Sakura Official (1962)
Sakura Official (1962)
As Japan’s Tokugawa shogunate nears the end of its rule, Edo North Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan is called upon to judge the most difficult case of his career. In a masterfully woven tale, he has to face the truth about his estranged father’s possible involvement in a nefarious plot to take over rule of the Hizen Shimabara clan by assassinating the rightful lord, his son, and install one of Shogun Ienari’s offspring as daimyo.

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As Japan’s Tokugawa shogunate nears the end of its rule, Edo North Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan is called upon to judge the most difficult case of his career. In a masterfully woven tale, he has to face the truth about his estranged father’s possible involvement in a nefarious plot to take over rule of the Hizen Shimabara clan by assassinating the rightful lord, his son, and install one of Shogun Ienari’s offspring as daimyo.

Certification: Unknown


Genres: History, War

Language: 日本語

Release Date: 28 February 1962

Country: JP

Runtime: 91m

Film Collections

Company Credits

Company: Toei Company

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Directed By

Writing Credits

Tatsuro Jinde

Tatsuro Jinde

Original Story

Kinya Naoi

Kinya Naoi


Production Crew

Not currently known.

Edited By

Costume and Makeup

Not currently known.


Eiichi Yamada

Eiichi Yamada

Original Music Composer

Sadamitsu Ishihara

Sadamitsu Ishihara

Sound Recordist

Visual Effects

Not currently known.


Takeo Itō

Takeo Itō

Director of Photography


Etsuaki Masuda

Etsuaki Masuda

Lighting Technician

Art Department

Norimichi Igawa

Norimichi Igawa

Art Direction

Other Crew

Not currently known.

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